Monday, August 20, 2012

Back to school!

I think everyone except for Matt and the kids was ready for school to start. We were all able to wake up and be ready on time. Not bad if I do say so myself.
This year will be challenging for Matt. He is teaching 6 very large classes. He's a stud so I know he'll do great.
Donovan turned 11 earlier this month and is going into 5th grade. Every now and then he'll do something or say something that reminds me that he is definitely getting older and more mature. Sometimes that makes me feel proud, but sometimes it makes me sad.
Here is Donovan with his teacher, Mrs. Claus. He is excited to see his friends, but not too thrilled to be back in school. He looks forward to art and P.E.
Howie is going into 3rd grade. His sense of humor is pretty enjoyable. We hardly had to encourage Howie to read during the summer, but he wasn't as interested in working on other subjects. I guess he could be considered a normal kid.
Here is Howie with Mrs. Urbanek. He will also have Donovan's 4th grade teacher, Mrs. Gizzie, for math. Howie is excited that he gets to use laptops at school and do homework online. He is also looking forward to P.E.
Nina is starting 1st grade. There were some things she struggled with in kindergarten. Mostly her emotions. She got a short haircut over the summer which made her seem older immediately. Nina was more than happy to read and do "homework" over the summer. A difference between boys and girls? And I need to document that I tried to help her pick out an outfit for the first day, but my offer was declined. Pink is her signature color.
Here is Nina with her teacher, Mrs. Frye. Howie had her for 1st grade as well and we really like her. Nina is bummed out that she has to go away from home. Remember that her future plans include not going to college and living at home with Matt and me forever. Although I am flattered, I will be hoping for a different future. Nina is excited for when she gets to pick hot lunch, and that's all she'll admit to. Good luck Mrs. Frye.
Cameron has always seemed older than his years. He is more than ready to begin preschool. He's going to the same preschool that his older siblings went to. He will also play on his first soccer team. Matt volunteered to coach his team, so I bet I can make sure he gets lots of playing time.
Here is Cameron with Mrs. Kendall. She has had our older 3 kids and remembers when Cameron was just a baby. Cameron is excited to meet new friends and wear his backpack.
And dear little Rex. He still sucks his thumb and follows all the big kids around. He will conveniently be taking a nap during the time that Cameron is at preschool.


Kristin Jones said...

So cute. You needed a back to school pic for you!

Rachel said...

What cuties!