Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Kitchen Helpers

When strawberries went on sale for $0.88/lb, I kind of bought a lot.

A little help was very much welcomed.

We shouldn't need to buy any jam for awhile.

And this is a frequent scene that is probably familiar to so many people: chairs and kids lining the counter while you try to cook. Sometimes there is even room for me to help.

Today's special? Chocolate chip pancakes.


Jill said...

Jam for all!

And won't it be awesome when they're old enough to do it themselves?

Lorel said...

Yum! Good job! I would love your jam recipe... could you email it to me?? PLEASE! Ive never made jam before.

Rachel said...

yum. i love homemade jam. i'll join your household soon.

karen★ said...

You make me jealous sometimes. I think that when I grow up...or if I believed in reincarnation, I would choose to be you!

Brooke Soderholm (crazysodfam) said...

Nice. I've never made jam before either. Yes, please tell us how, or maybe show us when you guys come out?