Friday, March 11, 2011

Found some common ground

I'm not sure of the exact saying. Or if a real saying even exists for that matter. But the one that I'm thinking of essentially says, "if your daughter sometimes drives you crazy, start by finding something you both have in common and before you know it your daughter will start behaving like an angel and you will become the best of friends". I'll continue looking for that exact quote. But until then, I did find something we had in common. We should be excellent friends any day now!

And that commonality? We both wish we had another little girl in our family.


Matt said...

Okay, now I hope that you and Nina are not raising Cam and Rex to be sissies. That wouldn't be cool. Oh, and please no nail polish on the boys!

Rachel said...

ooone more girl! i can feel it!!! :)

Pam said...

Awww. Cute little Rex! (Love the smile) and cute, sweet little Nina.
Maybe she can start styling your hair?!