Friday, December 18, 2015

Driving to Reno, 1st Attempt

We had it planned out perfectly. I would pack the car up and get the house all ready to leave while everyone was at school. Matt would finish grading his finals and get home before 12. I would pick up the elementary school kids before their lunch, then get the middle schoolers at 12:30. We would be on the road before 1:00 and get to Salt Lake before 9:00. 

Then we got to Wyoming. I-80 was closed from Cheyenne to the Utah border due to high winds and blowing snow.  Cars and trucks lined the highway for miles ahead of us and behind us.

We decided to wait it out. And that was boring for a lot of people. 

But we were having a blast up front. Matt was feeling particularly sassy with my sunglasses on.  

And then after 2 hours of waiting, we gave up and decided to go another way and just drive as far as we could. But then the traffic from Wyoming to Denver was bumper to bumper the whole 100 miles so we only got as far as our house. I could tell right away that Rex wasn't feeling well. He had a fever of 102 and didn't want to eat anything. We are putting him to bed and making our decision about when to make our 2nd attempt in the morning. 

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