Wednesday, November 7, 2012

First day of fun

Matt was a diligent cameraman on this trip. I didn't realize how good he was until I got home and loaded the pictures onto the computer. I love how many pictures he took of us on rides. Those will be great memories! I want to post them for our own family journaling purposes, so feel free to just scroll on down.
So this might not technically qualify as a ride, but it was the first thing we did when we got to the park. Okay, so another technicality. They all went on Star Tours first while we waited for Jedi Training to begin. I have no idea where our three older boys are in this picture, but I know they are there.
We made a few rookie mistakes on this trip. One was letting the kids go on the Monorail. It's a dumb ride. Another was how to divide the kids up so one of us could stay with Rex while the other took kids on rides. We sent the 4 kids with Matt to ride Autopia without realizing that we would be one adult short. Luckily this nice lady, who doesn't want to be identified, offered to take Nina and Howie. Yay for nice people.
The rides in Fantasyland are those classic rides that I loved when I was young. We spent almost all of our first day going through these rides. The rides aren't all that exciting, but Disney just has a way of making everything seem awesome and magical.
I never got to go head to head against Matt on these arcade rides, but I totally would have beat him if we did. As long as he got to have Rex on his lap. And on a related note, we saw tons of couples with those Just Married matching Mickey ears. I think Matt and I missed a great opportunity to garner strange reactions. Next time.
These pictures were funny surprises to me. Matt has an awesome expression. It captures just the right amount of excitement, an attempt to concentrate, delight, hunger and passion.

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