Wednesday, May 9, 2012

A new birthday tradition

Matt and I used to blow up a bunch of balloons the night before a birthday and toss them all over the room of the child whose birth we would be celebrating. That was good in theory. What led to the discontinuation of this tradition was the fact that we never had balloons anywhere when we needed them. And that some kids (read: Howie) loved to pop other kids' (read: Nina) balloons which led to lots of crying, screaming and other annoying noises. And also that we got bored of it. So we changed the rules cause we are allowed to. Now we hang streamers in front of the door and wait for birthday boys and girl to burst through. We'll see how long this tradition lasts. But on the trial run, it seemed to be a fan favorite.

1 comment:

Pam said...

Cute idea!