Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Science Fair 2012

This was our first year participating in a science fair. We were proud of our kids and the effort they put into their experiments. Nina tried her hand at a gardening experiment. She wondered if it mattered which direction you planted a seed. She was certain that the only way a plant would grow was if you planted it vertically. She was relieved to know that it doesn't matter which direction a seed is planted.
Donovan and Howie worked together on their project. They wondered how a no bake cookie is affected when you change the amount of time you boil the sugar/milk/butter. So every Sunday for a month they made two batches of no bake cookies. Bummer for us as we all had to taste them and give our input. Sundays just aren't the same anymore. Sadly Howie was sick the morning we took the projects to the school and Donovan was at Scouts the night of the science fair so we never got a picture of them together in front of their display.
At the end of everything, I learned I don't really care what a no bake cookies looks like, they all tasted pretty yummy and I want some every Sunday. I also learned that I want a better camera after I saw how badly all the experiment pictures looked.

1 comment:

Pam said...

Great job guys! Good experiments!