Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Soccer parties

Howie just finished his 4th year as a member of the Cheetahs. It's fun to see the growth and improvement that the team shows each season. Howie's team was 5-2-1. He scored 5 goals and has some pretty sweet saves as a goalie. He also enjoyed challenging opponents as a defender.
This is a pretty fun bunch of boys.
Donovan finished his 1st year on the Spurs. His team was 6-2-2 and Donovan got off several shots on goal. His next one is going in for sure! He also continued to learn to control the ball as a defender.
Donovan loved hearing Coach Adam tell everyone that Donovan shows that you don't need to be a big player to make big plays.

1 comment:

Pam said...

Way to go Marshall boys! Great job guys!