Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Something worth noting

Today we are officially done with cribs. The decision was super spontaneous too. It was garbage day and that special day always gets me motivated. I can't even tell you how many times I have been in a mad rush to finish a quick cleaning/organizing project so that I could get the stuff out to the garbage before our garbageman comes at about 11:30. Today was crazy like that. I had thought about moving Rex to a big bed maybe when school got out, but with all the work I have been doing on the kids' rooms, it's not a surprise that I woke up and decided it needed to be done today. I called my friend Karen and she came over and helped me take the darn thing apart. She's awesome like that. I didn't save it because it had been on it's last legs since before Rex was born. I'm grateful it didn't fall apart the whole 2 years he used it. I also didn't have any of those cute ideas that some people have of using different parts of the crib to make a cute shelf or other decoration. So we took it out to the curb and took a cute picture of it instead. Almost the same thing.

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