Donovan: You were a little upset huh mom?
me: yeah, I was
Donovan: Do you feel better?
me: yes, I feel a lot better
Donovan: Sometimes when I get upset, I go onto and that makes me feel a lot better
me: really? maybe I should try that
Donovan: yes, it will make you feel better too
Also, I got an email from Donovan's teacher that said he was having a hard time listening in his reading class. I asked him about it and he said, "I guess I'm just a curious boy and I get distracted easily." Then I asked him why he wasn't finishing his work and he said, "I'm trying my best, I guess I just work slow." Lovely huh?
He's got it all figured out. Maybe I should ask him why my house is a wreck. I'm sure he could give me a GREAT reason.
I love Donovan's comments. They really always do sound just a like a mini adult sometimes. I remember the summer I was he would always ask "Why?" and you would "I don't know why do you think?" and this was Donovan's reply..."Hmmm....(insert clever comment here)" I loved it! But at least he would think of something. I thought he was such a smartie.
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