Monday, May 26, 2008


"Because". I have learned that this little word can make my life a whole lot easier. Nina is a big "why" asker. Sometimes it seems like she is reasonable and absorbs what I say to her, but most of the time everything I say is followed by a slew of "why's". Case in point:
Me: Nina, we don't climb in Cameron's crib.
Nina: Why?
Me: Because I don't want you to hurt Cameron.
Nina: Why?
Me: Because he is small and he can get hurt easily.
Nina: Why?
Me: Because he is a new baby and needs lots of time to grow.
Nina: Why?
Me: (nothing)
Nina: Why mama?
Me: (still nothing)
Nina: Why mama?

So you get the picture. I have just learned though, that if I answer any of her "why" questions with a simple "because", she seems satisfied and drops the subject. Who knew? I have also learned that I need to follow her example and accept a simple "because I no want to" when I ask her a question, or else I will find myself pulling out my hair in frustration:

Me: Nina, why did you climb in Cameron's crib?
Nina: Because I no want to.

Me: Nina, why did you climb on Donovan's bunk bed and wake him up?
Nina: Because I no want to.

Me: Nina, why did you cut your hair?
Nina: Because I no want to.

Me: Nina, why are you lying on the floor in the middle of the kitchen?
Nina: Because I no want to.

If it makes sense to her, then I guess that's all I need to know.


Kristin Jones said...

What a funny little girl! I'm just waiting for the "why stage" and not because I want it but because I know it's coming!!

The Bentley's said...

ahhh... sweet little nina:) and love the haircut!! how are you holding up?