Monday, October 6, 2008

How well do they really know me?

I gave the kids a little pop quiz the other day. Here is how they fared:

What is my favorite thing to do?
D - Go shopping for food
H - Help me...I think
N - Do exercises

What do I do when you are not around?
D - If I was in college I'd bring a phone so you could call me
H - You wash dishes when I'm sleeping and play hide-and-seek when I'm at school
N - Not make any loud noises

What am I really good at?
D - Hiding
H - Playing tag
N - At exercises

What am I not very good at?
D - Tooting
H - Jumping
N - Swinging

What is my favorite food?
D - Pasta
H - Chicken, rice and beans
N - Rolls

What makes you proud of me?
D - Art projects
H - When you play the games I want to
N - When you give me some toys

What do you and I do together?
D - Go places
H - Play hide-and-seek or tag
N - Go in the car and buckle our seatbelts

How are you and I the same?
D - We both have chubby cheeks
H - We have the same jeans and we both like ice cream
N - We both wear white

How are you and I different?
D - We don't have the same clothes
H - Because we don't have the same hair
N - Some purple

How do you know that I love you?
D - You buy stuff for me
H - Because I'm cute
N - Because you does

What is something I always say to you?
D - I love you
H - Please
N - You say me go go go go

What makes me happy?
D - When I do your chores
H - When I do stuff that you tell me to do
N - I obey you and I love you

What makes me sad?
D - When I hit you
H - When I don't listen to you
N - Like when I don't like you

How do you make me laugh?
D - When I make dad's hair move around
H - By making funny faces back to you
N - I do a fish face

How do I make you laugh?
D - When you make dad have bunny ears with your fingers
H - Making funny faces
N - You stick your tongue out

What was I like as a little girl?
D - You did ballet
H - Like Nina
N - You just say waa waa

How old am I?
D - 13, I mean 18. 24
H - Can I peek? 80?
N - Um, I don't know

How tall am I?
D - 77 inches
H - 13 inches
N - Big


Jill said...

You have a TON of pictures with your kids. Maybe I should do that.

Fun answers--Nina had much better ones than Cambri did. And it's a good thing you didn't let Howie peek at your age--he might've been in the ballpark.

Honey said...

You do have a lot of pics with your kids - I love it! Cute post.

Ashlee said...

That is so cute. I loved the pictures. You are the best mom. How do you ever have the time for so many fun posts?? You're amazing!

Lorel said...

That was stinkin' adorable! I love your kids... they say such grown up sounding things sometimes. So funny! and I loved all of the pictures!!!

Kim said...

That was the sweetest blog ever! I love all the answers. And I especially love all the pictures :) What a sweet post!

Schreiner Family said...

I was literally laughing out loud when I read these. I read them to Derek and he thought the answers were hysterical. What a great idea!

karen★ said...

you are so amazingly photogenic! i love all the pictures you guys have on makes me want to go to the beach SO BAD! your quiz was so cute and your kids have the cutest answers! I might steal a few from you (if you don't mind) just so I can get the dl on my boys too!

Megan said...

Very cute...all of it, you, your kids, your questions, their answers. I laughed out loud a couple of times because I could hear in my head their voices answering your questions. I wonder what my kids would say...and even more than that - I wonder what my husband would say...

The Bentley's said...

that was so cute. i want to copy you. very fun to read!

Brooke Soderholm (crazysodfam) said...

Cute answers and cute oictures! How was your birthday? What'd you guys do to celebrate?

Seth Jenson said...

Very entertaining! Nina's answers were my favorite.